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Supra-Tone is a 100% veteran owned company and we ship the same day from St. Paul, MN USA.




BODY WOOD:  Mahogany with Purpleheart Stripe 


THICKNESS:  1.750”


WEIGHT:  5 LBS  11 Oz  


NECK ROUTE:  5/8” deep.  We check every neck pocket to ensure they are  2.190 + - .007", measure YOUR neck carefully before ordering to ensure it will fit.


-  100% Made by veterans in the USA

-  The multi piece body shown is the exact body you will receive

-  This body has no finish.  Additional filling, sanding and finishing will be required.  You should seal it as soon as possible to avoid splits etc.

-  Wiring holes between pickups and control cavity are drilled

-  Standard 7/8" input jack hole is drilled

-  The first picture is the actual body you will receive, the picture of the rear is a stock picture to show the rear contours, the other pictures are pictures of SIMILAR veneers for you to use as inspiration.  We do not do any finishing work.  This listing is for the unfinished body ONLY!

-  The two biggest issues that arise are "My neck doesn't fit right" and/or "I didn't realize how much work it is to sand and finish".  Measure your neck FIRST and be prepared to put the work in to finish the body.



We can make custom BODIES only.  I am sorry we do not offer ANY custom necks or anything other than custom bodies.  We do not offer ANY finishing services.  Unfinished bodies only.


TL Body, Mahogany with Purpleheart Stripe, #1-1018

  • BODY WOOD:  Mahogany with Purpleheart Stripe

    WEIGHT:    5 LBS   11 Oz

  • SUPRA-TONE has a 7 day "NO QUESTIONS ASKED" return policy for in-stock orders.  If you wish to return your item for any reason, simply email us for a Return Authorization number, write the RA number you receive on the box, and send it back.

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